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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

The church “Sf. Gheorghe cel Nou” of Bucharest  
• 1888, March 1. Iacob Negruzzi and Mihail Kogălniceanu initiate the draft bill granting a life annuity to Eminescu. • April. Following an exchange of letters with the poet, Veronica Micle comes to Botosani and convinces him to move to Bucharest. For the poet, this might be a possibility of restoring to his former position as a journalist. • The third edition of Poesii, to which Maiorescu had added the creations published in Convorbiri literare (La steaua, De ce nu-mi vii, Kamadeva); without being new creations, but variants of the poems written before the crisis of 1883, they had been sent to Convorbiri literare by the poet himself. • December, 4. Issuing of Fântâna Blanduziei (Blanduzia's Draw Well), a weekly literary and political journal. Invited to collaborate, Eminescu will publish here three articles. • Between 1888 and 1893, A.D. Xenopol publishes in Jassy Istoria Românilor din Dacia Traiană (History of the Romanians from Trajan's Dacia), in 6 volumes. • 1889, February 3. Eminescu is again shut up in Dr. Sutu's Sanatorium of Bucharest. • February, 12. King Carol signs the decree granting to Eminescu a pension. • May. I.L. Caragiale's volume entitled Teatru (Theatre), with Maiorescu's study, Comediile d-lui Caragiale as an introduction – comes out in Bucharest. • June. A family council, taking cognizance of the poet's incurable disease, and undertaking the task of supporting Eminescu in the health establishment, is formed; among its members, Maiorescu and Caragiale. • June, 15. In the morning, Eminescu dies in Dr. Sutu's health establishment, where he had been hospitalized since February. • June, 16. The poet's lifeless body is laid down in the church „Sf. Gheorghe cel Nou” of Bucharest. • June, 17. Mihai Eminescu is buried in the Bellu Cemetry. The numerous burial procession, formed of students, journalists and men of letters, includes also Prime Minister Lascăr Catargiu, Titu Maiorescu, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Th. Rosetti, D. Laurian, and many others. • The Ipotesti estate, now owned by C. Marinovici, is sold by auction to Grigore Chirită, and later on to Gh. Isăcescu, who will leave it to his daughter, Maria, married Papadopol, by right of succession. Doctor Papadopol's family was the last owner of Ipotesti. • August. Fântâna Blanduziei publishes, from the manuscripts, Eminescu's poems Viata (Life) and Stelele-n cer (Stars in the sky). • In 1889 there will also die Veronica Micle (at Văratec, August 3), Harieta, the poet's sister (in Botosani, October, 14) and Ion Creangă (in Jassy, December 31). • In the October issue of Convorbiri literare, Titu Maiorescu publishes the study Eminescu si poeziile lui (Eminescu and his poems). • December. The fourth edition of Poesii – accompanied by Titu Maiorescu's biographical note, entitled Poetul Eminescu (Eminescu, the Poet) – comes out. • On January 25, 1902, Titu Maiorescu donates Eminescu's manuscripts to the Romanian Academy. [first page]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


Memorialul Ipoteşti Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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