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• 1812, February 10. The poet's father, Gheorghe Eminovici – elder son of the psalm reader Vasile Eminovici, and of Ioana Sarghei – is born at Călinesti (Suceava). Originating in a numerous and not enough wealthy family, Gh. Eminovici will leave soon his native village, earning his living first as an office clerk in the service of baron Jean Mustată, then as a bailiff of the Dumbrăveni estate, owned by boyard Bals, who will help him to become a purveyor. In 1841, Eminovici is rising to the rank of collector of duties on spirits. The material stability young Eminovici was striving so hard for could have been finally attained with the acquisition, in 1847, of the Ipotesti estate, where to, however, the collector's family was to be finally moved only in 1857, when the newly built house was finished. Yet, a considerable part of the estate's revenues will be spent by the family in supporting their sons' secondary school and university education - quite expensive even for richer people so that, in 1878, Eminovici is bound to sell the Ipotesti estate for paying his debts; from now on, until 1884 – the year of his death – he will remain at Ipotesti as a bailiff in the service of the new owner. • 1814. Birth of the Romanian actor and singer Matei Millo (d.1896). • 1816. The poet's mother, Raluca Iurascu, the third daughter of Vasile Iurascu – a High Stewart – and of Paraschiva Iurascu (born Dontu) is born at Joldesti. In 1840, she marries Gheorghe Eminovici, to whom she brings quite a considerable dowry, apparently a good omen for the young family. • 1818. Birth at Căciulata (Brasov) of Aron Pumnul, the future professor and mentor of Eminescu during his gymnasium years in Chernovitz. • 1821. Birth, in Bacau, of Vasile Alecsandri, an exponential literary figure for the 1848 generation, whose ideals he actively backed up both by his direct involvement in political and social actions, and, equally, by its artistic creation (poetry, prose, dramaturgy).• 1829. The first Romanian periodical magazines: in Bucharest – Curierul Românesc (The Romanian Courier), with the supplement entitled Curier de ambe sexe (Courier for both Sexes) – edited by Ion Heliade-Rădulescu; in Jassy - Albina Românească (The Romanian Honey Bee), with its supplement Alăuta Românească (The Romanian Lute) – edited by Gh. Asachi, are issued. Both publications have a distinct political, social and literary orientation, which will contribute fundamentally to the assertion and stimulation of national and cultural emancipation in the two Romanian provinces. • 1830. Birth of Petre Ispirescu, the folklorist (d. 1887) • Publishing of the first Romanian version of Lamartine's Meditations, translated by Ion Heliade-Rădulescu. [next] |
Memorial − Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies |