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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

The University Library of Jassy Ion Creangă

April, 7. Titu Maiorescu is appointed Ministry of Cults and Education in Lascăr Catargi's government, a position in which he'll decide granting of subventions for Eminescu and Slavici. This year, Maiorescu fixes his definitive residence in Bucharest. • August, 14. Gh. Eminovici is forced to go after his daughters, Aglaia and Harieta who, having travelled abroad , got ill with typhus. This was a considerable financial effort for their father. • August. Eminescu returns home without a M.Ph. title. After a brief circuit to Cracow and Lemberg, after having visited Ipotesti and Botosani, the poet settles down in Jassy. • August, 30. Titu Maiorescu recommends Eminescu for the position of Director of the University Library of Jassy; his oath of office is taken in the Assembly Hall of the University, in front of its rector, Stefan Micle. From the very beginning, his concerns are oriented towards the acquisition of old manuscripts, writings and books for enriching the library's stocks. In parallels, he continues to accumulate material for the elaboration of his doctoral thesis in philosophy, a project he had only temporarily abandoned. • Eminescu participates to Junimea's meetings in Jassy, where he reads several of his creations. • October. Eminescu is a deputy professor of Logics, in the Department led by A.D. Xenopol at the University of Jassy. • November. The poet is invited to the literary evenings organized by Veronica Micle in her house. Suffering from tuberculosis and mental alienation, Serban Eminovici dies in Berlin, at the age of 33. • December, 1. Convorbiri literare publishes the poem Împărat si proletar (Emperor and proletarian). • Al.I. Odobescu – Pseudo-cynegetikos, Bucharest • Titu Maiorescu – Critice (Critical Writings), Socec Publishing House, Bucuresti • P. Ispirescu - Snoave sau povestiri populare (Anecdotes or popular tales), in 2 volumes, Bucuresti • Iacob Negruzzi- Copii de pe natură (Copying nature), Bucuresti • 1875, February 1. In Convorbiri literare, Eminescu's poem Făt-Frumos din tei (Prince Charming of the Linden tree). • June. Eminescu is discharged form the directorship of the library, being replaced by D. Petrino. • June, 18. The poet accepts Maiorescu's offer of being appointed as a school inspector in the counties of Jassy and Vaslui. Also, he'll become a member in the commission for the examination of didactic textbooks. • Between June 1875 - June 1876, when he has activated as a school inspector, Eminescu fulfilled his professional tasks in an exemplary manner, proposing to the Ministry concrete measures for the improvement of the education system. • Having been met by Eminescu during the latter's inspecting activities, Ion Creangă becomes a close friend of the poet who, intuiting Creangă's inborn literary gift, convinces him to write down his stories. • September, 5. Brought to Junimea by Eminescu, Creangă reads, on his first participation to the circle, the story Soacra cu trei nurori (The mother-in-law with three daughters-in-law), to be soon published in Convorbiri literare (October,1). [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


Memorialul Ipoteşti Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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