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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

Titu Maiorescu Berlin

June. Eminescu is in Ipotesti, actively engaged in organizing the celebration at Putna. • August, 14. Manifestations at Putna, with more than 3000 participants from all Romanian provinces. The organizers had been backed up by numerous cultural and political personalities of the country. • October. Eminescu returns to Vienna for continuing his studies. • 1872. Eminescu writes the poem Memento mori. Panorama desertăciunilor (Vanities' panorama), from which he publishes in Convorbiri literare (October, 1), Egipetul (Egypt). • March. Visiting Vienna for a longer period, Veronica Micle meets Eminescu. • April, 27. Death of Ion Heliade-Rădulescu (b. 1802). • May, 15. În Convorbiri literare, Titu Maiorescu publishes his study Directia nouă în poezia si proza română (The new direction in the Romanian poetry and prose). Ranking Eminescu immediately after Vasile Alecsandri, the critic judges the new collaborator of Junimea as „a poet, indeed, in the true sense of the word”. • May - June. Serious material difficulties oblige the poet to leave Vienna; until autumn, he'll stay at Ipotesti. • September. Eminescu takes part in a few Junimea meetings, where he reads the novel Sărmanul Dionis (Poor Dionysius) and the poems Egipetul (Egypt), Înger si demon (Angel and demon) and Floare albastră (Sky-blue flower). • September, 14. Seriously ill with tuberculosis, Iorgu Eminovici returns to Ipotesti, to be nursed by the family. • September, 22. The members of the Junimea circle decide to grant a subsidy to Mihai Eminescu for continuing his studies in Berlin, and to prolong the subvention afforded to Ioan Slavici for concluding his Viennese studies. • October, 1. Egipetul is published in Convorbiri literare. • December, 1. The first part of the novel Sarmanul Dionis comes out in Convorbiri literare. • December, 18. Arrived in Berlin since October, Eminescu enrolls as an ordinary student for the Faculty of Philosophy of the Berlin University. He attends courses of philosophy, philosophy of science and ancient history. • Death of the poet Dimitrie Bolintineanu (b. 1819). • Prima verba, Al. Macedonski's first volume of poems. • Scrieri (Writings), in 3 volumes, by Constantin Negruzzi, comes out in Bucharest. • Iacob Negruzzi - Poezii (Poems), Bucharest • 1873. In spring, Serban Eminovici comes also to Berlin to resume his studies. • January, 22. The second part of Sarmanul Dionis is published in Convorbiri literare. • April, 1. În Convorbiri literare, Eminescu's poems Înger si demon (Angel and demon) and Floare albastră (Sky-blue flower). • June. Eminescu's financial problems are aggravating, his family hardly succeeding in supporting him, any more. In this situation, Th. Rosetti, a member of the Junimea circle and diplomatic agent of Romania in Berlin, increases the retribution received by the poet as a secretary in the Romanian Diplomatic Agency of Berlin. • September, 21. Iorgu Eminovici (29) dies at Ipotesti. • I.L.Caragiale makes his debut in the satirical magazine Ghimpele (The thorn). • 1874. In his exchange of letters with the poet, Titu Maiorescu urges him on defending his doctoral dissertation in philosophy, which would assure him a universitary position once returned in Jassy. [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


Memorialul Ipoteşti Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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