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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

Aron Pumnul Iosif Vulcan Revista "Familia", nr. 29, 1866

His most intricate school situation cannot but aggravate the early conflict with his father. • 1865, June. Familia (The Family), a magazine founded and directed by Iosif Vulcan, is issued in Pesta. • October - November. Eminescu returns to Chernovitz, where he lives in lodging at Aron Pumnul, one of his teachers. He is preparing the exam he has to pass for being admitted into the system of public education; in parallels, he sees to Aron Pumnul's library for pupils, which is a good opportunity to supplement his readings, once having access to representative books of old and modern Romanian literature, along with creations of the universal literature. • Death of the prose writer Nicolae Filimon (b. 1819). • 1865 -1867. Under the guidance of B.P. Hasdeu, Arhiva Istorică a României (Romania's historical archive), a magazine publishing for the first time documents, in Paleoslavonic, on the history of Romania, is issued in Bucharest. • 1866, January 24. Death of Aron Pumnul. Buried in Chernovitz. Deeply loved by his pupils, they dedicate to him a collective volume of omagial poems, entitled Laecrimioarele învătăceilor gimnasiasti den Cernăuti la mormântul prea iubitului lor profesoriu Arune Pumnul repausat intr-a 12-24 ianuarie 1866 (Little tears of the Chernovitz gymnasium pupils on the grave of their most beloved professor, Arune Pumnul, deceased on the 12th-24th January 1866), among which the poem entitled La mormântul lui Arune Pumnul (On the grave of Arune Pumnul), signed „Mihai Eminovici, private pupil”. • February, 11. Prince Al. I. Cuza is forced to resign the crown. • February 25/March 9. Mihai publishes his first poem, De-as avea (If I only had...), written in september 1865, in Familia. Iosif Vulcan changes the name of the author from Eminovici to Eminescu, accepted by the poet who, from now on, will sign only „Mihai Eminescu”. • May - June. The absence of Aron Pumnul estranges Mihai irrevocably from the school of Chernovitz. On pretext of continuing his training, he leaves for Transylvania; in spring, he had already arrived at Blaj, where he prepares his remaining exams. During his wanderings, Mihai collects folklore productions specific to the regions he travels through, a constant preoccupation manifested as early as his tours with the theatrical companies. • In Jassy, Titu Maiorescu publishes the study Despre scrierea limbii române (On Romanian language's writing), defending the adoption of phonetic ortography. • May 10. The New Congress proclaims Prince Carol of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen as Ruler of Romania, under the name of Carol I. • July 1. Promulgation of the Constitution of Romania, elaborated according to and inspired from the Belgian model. • May - October. Familia publishes other poems written by Eminescu: O călărire în zori (Ride on horseback at dawn), Din străinatate (From foreign lands), La Bucovina (To Bukovina), Speranta (The Hope) and Misterele noptii (Night's mysteries). [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


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