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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

Bucharest -The National Theatre

October. Eminescu intends to visit Sibiu. Meeting Iorgu Caragiale's theatrical company, he joins it in its tour, being employed as a copyist and a prompter. • Birth of the poet George Cosbuc (d. 1918). • 1867, January 1. In Blaj, Timotei Cipariu edits the journal Arhiva pentru filologie si istorie (Archives for philology and history). • February, 10. At Bossel Theatre of Bucharest, opening night of Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu’s play Răzvan si Vidra (Răzvan and Vidra), in which Eminescu plays a minor part. • March, 1. In Jassy, the first number of Convorbiri Literare (Literary Conversations), publication of the Junimea literary circle, comes out; dedicated to Literature, it will promote Junimea's cultural principles. Editorial secretary: Iacob Negruzzi. • April - June. Familia publishes Eminescu's poems Ce-ti doresc eu tie, dulce Românie (What I wish You, sweet Romanian land) and La Heliade (To Heliade). • August, 1. Setting up of the Academic Society of Romania; its first President is Ion Heliade-Rădulescu. The same year, the Academic Society (the future Romanian Academy) creates its own library and initiates issuing of its Annals. • August-November. Eminescu is in Bucharest as a prompter and a copyist in the theatrical company of Iorgu Caragiale. • 1868. Eminescu begins writing of his novel Geniu pustiu (Deserted genius). • In Jassy, Ion Creangă's textbook- Metoda noua de scriere si citire pentru uzul clasei I primare (A new method of writing and reading for 1st class pupils), is printed. • April. In Bucharest, creation of the Romanian Phylarmonic Orchestra. • March 31. Issuing, in Jassy, of the weekly journal Curierul de Iasi (The Jassy Courier), a publication to which Eminescu will work as an editor between June 1876 - October 1877. • This year, Titu Maiorescu publishes his studies În contra directiei de astăzi în cultura română (Against the present direction in Romanian culture), criticizing the epigonism of the post '48 generations of writers, and Limba română în jurnalele din Austria (The Romanian language in Austrian Publications), in which he militates for defending and maintaining the specific identity of the Romanian language, endangered in the provinces under Austrian domination. • Starting with this year, until 1871, Vasile Alecsandri will publish in Convorbiri literare his cycle of Pasteluri (Lyrical descriptive poems). • May - September. Transylvania tour (at Brasov, Sibiu, Lugoj, Timisoara, Arad, Oravita, Bucuresti) of Mihai Pascaly's theatrical company; among the actors, the poet himself, who has now the occasion of meeting Iosif Vulcan in Arad. On the company's returning to Bucharest, Eminescu is engaged as a prompter and a copyist at the National Theatre. Solicited by Pascaly, Eminescu translates from German Arta reprezentatiunii dramatice (The art of dramatic performance) by Th. Rotscher. • August, 24. Death of the writer Constantin Negruzzi (b.1800). [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


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