He'll work for a while in Timisoara, in the office of Emmerich Christian, a lawyer, but the material difficulties and the malady with which he struggles make him return, in 1881, at Ipotesti, where he gives a hand to his father in managing the family's former estate. In 1884, not long after his father's death, Nicu commits suicide; buried at Ipotesti. • 1844, February 20. Vasile Eminovici, Gheorghe Eminovici's father, dies. • April, 16. Gheorghe (George, Iorgu), the third son of the family, is born. Gymnasium years in Chernovitz, followed by military studies in Prusia. Striken by tuberculosis, he interrupts his military career and retires at Ipotesti, where he dies in 1873, at the age of 29. • Ion Heliade-Rădulescu publishes, in the magazine Curierul Românesc, the ballad Zburătorul (The Goblin) • 1845, May 5. Birth of Ruxandra, the first daughter of the Eminovici; dies untimely. • 1845-1852. Mihail Kogălniceanu publishes in Jassy Letopisetele tării Moldovei (The Chronicles of Moldavia), in 3 volumes. • 1846, July 1. Ilie, the fifth child, is born in the family of Eminovici. After studies in Chernovitz, he will attend – in Bucharest – dr. Carol Davila's School of Medicine. Falls ill with typhus and dies in 1863. • November 1846 - January 1847. For the first time in Romania, Franz Liszt plays in concerts at Timisoara, Arad, Lugoj and Iasi. • Birth of A.D. Xenopol, reputed historian and writer, a member of Junimea. • Anton Pann - Proverburi sau povestea vorbei (Proverbs or The Tale of the Word), Bucharest • 1848. Birth of Maria, the sixth child of the Eminovici family. She'll die at the age of 6. • January 18. Ioan Slavici is born at Siria (Arad). Eminescu will meet him during his Viennese years of study and will influence his formation as a man of culture in a decisive manner. • March. Gh. Eminovici buys from Eufrosina Petrino two-fourths of the Ipotesti estate, paying only a part of the sum agreed on with the former owner. • April. The Eminovici move temporarily into the old house at Ipotesti, hiring out their houses in Botosani. • The year of the bourgeois-democratic revolution. Initiated in Moldavia, the revolutionary movement extends soon in Wallachia and Transylvania. Repressed by the intervention of the Russian, Ottoman and Habsburgic troops, the 1848 revolution marks a crucial moment in the struggle for national and social emancipation of the Romanians living in the three historical provinces. Among the participants having played an essential role in the Revolution, special mention should be made of : Vasile Alecsandri, Mihail Kogălniceanu, Al. I. Cuza (in Moldavia), Ion Ghica, Ion Heliade-Rădulescu, Nicolae Bălcescu, C.A. Rosetti, Ion Brătianu (in Wallachia), Andrei Saguna, Simion Barnutiu, Aron Pumnul, Avram Iancu (in Transylvania), and others. • 1849, May 13. Birth of Al. Chibici-Râvneanu; a collegue of the poet in Chernovitz and Vienna, he'll remain his devoted friend for all his life. [next] |
Memorialul Ipoteşti
Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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